Co-Parenting Therapy

Parenting after a separation or divorce can be complex, emotional, and full of uncertainties. At Juno Counseling and Wellness, we understand the unique challenges that come with co-parenting.

Our co-parenting therapy is designed to help you and your co-parent communicate effectively, understand each other's perspectives, and work together to raise your children positively, even if you are no longer in a relationship. Our goal is to improve your children's well-being by creating a harmonious parenting partnership.

child therapy juno counseling

Why Is Co-Parenting Therapy Important?

When parents separate or divorce, their children's emotional and psychological well-being needs to maintain a positive co-parenting relationship. This ensures that children have a stable and nurturing environment where they feel loved and secure.

However, achieving a successful co-parenting relationship can be challenging due to past conflicts, resentments, and differences in parenting styles. Co-parenting therapy offers a structured space to resolve conflicts, improve communication, and make child-centered decisions.

What We Offer

A Holistic, Strengths-Based Approach

At Juno Counseling and Wellness, we approach co-parenting therapy from a holistic and strengths-based perspective. We aim to improve lives by helping clients achieve psychological well-being and grow through their challenges. To provide a comprehensive treatment plan, we consider all aspects affecting your mental health, including culture, faith, spirituality, lifestyle habits, and family history.

Quality Service and Continuous Training

Our clinicians undergo continuous training to enhance their competencies in various areas, including co-parenting dynamics. With regular group training, supervision, and practice owner oversight, we ensure the highest quality care is consistently delivered to our clients.

Detail-Oriented and Values-Driven Care

Our therapy center provides a caring and supportive environment to help you navigate co-parenting. We prioritize integrity, compassion, and fairness in all our decisions, ensuring that we offer care that aligns with your needs and values. Our services are thoughtfully designed to help you along the way.  

The Right Therapist Match

Understanding that each co-parenting relationship is unique, we strive to match you with the right therapist specializing in co-parenting issues. Our therapists have diverse specialties and approaches, ensuring a tailored therapeutic experience.

Creative and Holistic Treatments

We provide creative spaces and treatments to meet a holistic set of needs, including our sensory room, group therapy, guest speakers, and wellness events. Our strength-based focus aims at helping people thrive, flourish, and achieve optimal functioning beyond just reaching a baseline level of wellness.

Our Co-Parenting Therapy Services

Co-parenting therapy at Juno Counseling and Wellness covers a range of services designed to address the specific needs of co-parenting relationships:  

  • Creating and Adhering to Parenting Plans: Learn how to develop and stick to effective parenting plans that cater to the best interests of your children.
  • Communicating Without Conflict: Enhance your communication skills to discuss parenting matters without conflicts, ensuring a peaceful and cooperative environment for your children.
  • Minimizing the Effects of Separation on Children: Discover strategies to reduce the emotional and psychological impact of separation or divorce on your children, helping them to adapt and thrive.
  • Addressing Complicating Factors: We help you deal with complicating factors such as new partners, blended families, parental estrangement, addiction, and personality disorders.

Take the First Step Toward Harmonious Co-Parenting

happAt Juno Counseling and Wellness, we help you transform your co-parenting relationship into a source of stability and positivity for your children. Contact us today to make an appointment.iness.
