
group therapy counseling and wellness

Support Groups

When you’re seeking a community of people you can confide in and connect with — people who really get it — this is the place. We offer a safe space for a wide range of support groups in Palm Beach, Florida, and are always open to hosting new groups for the community. If you’re interested in joining or starting a support group at Juno Counseling and Wellness, reach out to us.

Support groups include:

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Group Counseling

Looking for practical tools to improve your daily life? We offer holistic group therapy sessions focused on a wide range of mental health concerns. Join sessions like Anger Management or Anxiety Strategies to gain easy-to-implement, practical tools you can use to make positive shifts in your life now.

Group sessions include:

  • Anger Management
  • Intro to Mindfulness & Meditation
  • Inner Child Healing
  • Anxiety Strategies
  • Cognitive-Behavioral Strategies for Chronic Pain
  • Feeling Good!
  • Somatic/Nervous System Healing
  • Art Therapy for Teens
