Getting aligned before the big day can ensure you have your happily ever after.
Premarital counseling is a great way to start your marriage off on the right foot. Too often, we see couples enter couples therapy after years of resentment and poor communication. While these couples can still improve, it is much easier to avoid relationship problems before they start.
Marriage can be challenging at times. Even if you and your partner have been together for a long time, marriage still introduces new dynamics to the relationship. Sharing a home, sharing finances, having children, preparing for the future, taking care of aging parents, making major life and financial decisions, etc. can be experiences that either strengthen or weaken your relationship.
By learning to communicate, align your values, express your needs, and more, you can work through the most challenging issues as a couple.

We are certified in providing the SYMBIS assessment (Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts), which assesses partners’ personality fits, emotional wellbeing, and partner mindsets about marriage. The assessment identifies relationship strengths and challenges.
Once couples complete the SYMBIS assessment, the therapist reviews the results with them and can suggest targeted ways of improving and strengthening the relationship to build on existing strengths and overcome challenges.
In addition to premarital therapy, we offer a premarital retreat! This half-day retreat is a fun and interactive way for couples to learn communication strategies, love languages, conflict resolution, how to strengthen their bonds, and more.
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